Please complete the form below to request a presentation and give the speakers bureau more information on your presentation needs. All presentations take between 30 minutes and an hour.
The WCCI Presentation (Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and their impact on an individual and a community)
Learn about the life-long effects of childhood trauma on the brain, as well as statistics about their prevalence, and correlated health impacts. Learn about toxic stress and the ways we can promote resilience in our lives.
Trauma 102: A Deeper Dive (Participants must have had WCCI Presentation within the past year)
Build on information shared in the original WCCI Trauma and Resilience presentation. Learn about sources of secondary trauma, ways our personal biases impact us, and coping skills to offset daily stress.
Trauma 103: What Can We Do Now? (Participants must have had Trauma 102 within the past year)
This interactive training builds on what your organization is currently doing and brainstorms ways to continue to shape the work of your agency work. Learn how to incorporate trauma informed practices with coworkers, clients and the community and make every space a psychologically safe space.
Shifting the Definition of Self Care
Explore how we can shift the cultural understanding of self care into daily personal wellness. Learn about the importance of making space for self-care and wellness, how we can change the way we incorporate it into our lives, and what it means to us.
WCCI Presentation Forms
For questions about the WCCI Trauma and Resilience Presentation, email [email protected].